From Creepin 2 Preachin

This book can serve as an inspiration to teen girls and young women who face similar problems with
Abuse, Bullying, Sexual Struggle, and feelings of Low Self-Esteem.

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"From Creepin -2- Teachin" Non-Profit Organization
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Growing Up In An Area Called Uptown,


which is Northwest DC, author Renee R. White believes she entered hardship early in her childhood. From the daily bullying. and fights she faced on 14th Parkwood and Swan Street, to her five abortions before she turned 21, White's life was a constant battle with abuse and sexual habits.

That was when White's life was interrupted by a series of calls from what White believes could only be the voice of God. During an alter call, White was led to re-baptism and repentance. Afterwards, seeking God's plan for her life and listening intently to His voice, White began to study the word and moved into an alter counseling class, a discipleship program, and finally was called to preach at a woman's conference in Northeast DC.



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As Seen On He Said... HE Said... HE SAID!
Author Renee White
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A Look at the World from A Seasoned Black Man’s Perspective for “From Creepin 2 Preachin” with author Renee R. White

He Said, He Said, He Said welcomes to our platform Washington, DC native, author Renee R. White for a candid conversation to share her explosive and intimate memoir “From Creepin 2 Preachin” that speaks triumph over trauma in ways imaginable and sends the message, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
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Overview & Purpose:

     In from creeping to preaching, white recounts of vulnerable story of trial and tribulation, and how the broken pieces of her life have led her to the life she now leads. White says that she never believed God could use someone like her, but now she shares her story from the pulpit to remind others who may face similar trials that God can use anyone to call others back to his grace.

    This book can serve as an inspiration to teen girls and young women who face similar problems with abuse, bullying, sexual struggle, and feelings of low self-esteem.

From Creepin 2 Preachin


I was born on November 9th in the late 1960s after the DC riots at DC General hospital to a loving mom. My parents weren't married so I was what they called a love child, or bastard. I was the third of four siblings and frisky. I grew up in an area of DC known as uptown (Northwest). Living at 1450, we had a childhood a kid can only imagine. We lived on the block where everybody knew everybody, and if the neighbor saw you doing something, they would call you parents after they addressed the issue. My granny was known for her parties and entertainment. She was the matriarch of the family. (PS: she didn't take no mess.) Granny was known for her cooking. Daily, she cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She said anyone who wanted a meal. It would be no surprise to be eating dinner with the local neighborhood alcoholic........

The Story Continues... Get Your Copy Today!

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